
12.6.2008 22:37
Zápasení v Saga Edition
Měl bych jeden dotaz ohledně zápasení v saga edition.

Je možné kombinovat použití triku Pin se zraněním pomocí lehké zbraně, kterou jsem při zápase ozbrojen? Mohu, pokud tedy zasáhnu grapple atackem a uspěju na opposed grapple check, zranit lehkou zbraní, uplatnit trik Pin, tím nepříteli znemožnit v tomto kole vykonat jakoukoli akci, v dalším kole hodit znovu na grapple check, při úspěchu zranit lehkou zbraní a opět mu znemožnit provedení jakékoli akce, atd. atd.

Nebo se to takto kombinovat nedá a jediná takováto možná kombinace (tzn. znemožnění akce pomocí triku Pin a zároveň i zranění) je vázáno na použití triku Crush?

Díky předem za odpověď
Autorská citace #1
12.6.2008 22:53 - Alnag
No přiznám se, že to znění pravidel je takové divné. Na jednu stranu musíš mít Pin (nebo Trip) abys ho vůbec mohl použít na druhou stranu je tam slovo alternatively, což by naznačovalo, že buď platí možnost nabízená featem nebo tato nikoliv obojí naráz(což je výklad k němuž bych se asi přikláněl i s přihlédnutí k errata a clarificaiton viz níže).
Postnu sem ještě dlouhé vysvětlení z neoficiálně oficiálních errata:
Grappling (Clarification) Many people make the mistake of thinking of "grapple" as an action rather than a state. To make everything easy, just reset your brain and think like this instead. There are three states:
The Grabbed State
Effect: You cannot move from your square and have a -2 attack penalty (except with light/natural weapons).
Begins: When attacker makes a successful unarmed melee attack roll.
Terminates: When defender becomes grappled; OR when defender spends a standard action to escape.
The Grappled State
Effect: You cannot move from your square and have a -2 attack penalty (except with light/natural weapons).
Begins: When attacker makes a successful opposed grapple check.
Terminates: When defender spends a standard action AND make a successful Acrobatics check to escape; OR when attacker successfully uses the Trip feat.
The Pinned State (stacks with the "grappled" state)
Effect: You cannot move or take any actions AND lose your Dex bonus to Reflex Defense.
Begins: When attacker makes a successful opposed grapple check AND uses the Pin feat.
Terminates: Automatically, after one round.
Once you see that grappled is a state, rather than an action, you can see that all the grappling-type actions are merely transitions between these three states! For your reference, here they all are:
A "grab attack" (requires melee attack roll)
Starting state: Normal (not grabbed, grappled, or pinned).
Ending state: Grabbed.
Note: -5 attack penalty if attacker doesn't have Pin or Trip.
The Pin feat (requires opposed grapple check)
Starting state: Grabbed, grappled, or pinned.
Ending state: Grappled AND pinned.
Note: Can simultaneously use Crush feat for damage.
The Trip feat (requires opposed grapple check)
Starting state: Grabbed, grappled, or pinned.
Ending state: Prone (but not grabbed, grappled, or pinned).
Note: Can simultaneously use Throw feat for damage.
Hit with a light weapon (requires opposed grapple check)
Starting state: Grabbed, grappled, or pinned.
Ending state: Grappled.
Note: Does weapon damage.
Simple escape (no roll required)
Starting state: Grabbed.
Ending state: Normal (not grabbed, grappled, or pinned).
Note: Standard action.
Acrobatic escape (skill check required)
Starting state: Grappled.
Ending state: Normal (not grabbed, grappled, or pinned).
Note: Standard action.
Example: In round one, the would-be grappler attempts a Pin. He succeeds at his unarmed melee attack roll, but fails the opposed grapple check. The defender is grabbed (because the melee attack roll was successful) but not grappled or pinned (because the opposed grapple check wasn’t). The defender can spend a standard action and automatically escape from the grab, if he wants. For this example, however, let’s say the defender chooses to attack at a -2 penalty rather than escape.
In round two, the defender is still grabbed. The attacker doesn’t need to roll another unarmed melee attack roll; he proceeds straight to the opposed grapple check, and wins it. The defender is now grappled, and also pinned. The defender gets no actions in round two, because he’s pinned.
In round three the Pin will expire, because pins only last for one round. The attacker tries to maintain his Pin by rolling another opposed grapple check, but loses. The defender is no longer pinned. However he’s still grappled, because the grappled state (like the grabbed state) persists until the defender actively escapes.
Autorská citace #2
13.6.2008 06:37 - Rurik
Díky za odpověď.
Podle tady toho to vypadá, že Pin se zraněním lehkou zbraní asi teda způsobit nejde. Když o tom tak přemýšlím, tak ono by to nejspíš vlastně i popřelo smysl triku Crush, takže to budu aplikovat alternativně.
Jen mě docela překvapilo, že když uspěju na grapple atack, ale neuspěju na opposed grapple check, tak že je protivník grabbed, jsem myslel, že se v tom případě nic nestane.
Autorská citace #3
13.6.2008 09:57 - Alnag
Rurik: Jak jsem koupil, tak prodávám. Ono to určitý smysl docela dává, když se nad tím zamyslíš. Ale na to, že měli "grapple" zjednodušit je to to docela komplikované :o))

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